Hip-Hop Has Established Dominance Already In 2018!

2017 was a successful year for hip-hop as Rap surpassed Rock as the most consumed genre, and most popular genre in the U.S. The question has been how will 2018 follow through after such a groundbreaking achievement in 2017. We are only in the second month of the year and Rap progression, and popularity has continued to grow with no signs of slowing down. Drake released an EP titled ‘Scary Hours’ the lead single ‘God’s Plan’ broke streaming records for the most streamed song within its first 24 hours, Migos  Culture 2 is currently the #1 album in the country and has been received well by critics and their fans, and if that isn’t enough Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Black Panther Soundtrack’ is projected to have a big opening week when the numbers come in on Friday, along with the soundtrack receiving rave reviews. Already early in the year Rap continues its momentum from last year to prove its dominance, and popularity. With heavyweights such as Drake, J. Cole, Kanye West, Travis Scott, and more expected to drop a project this year 2018 promises build on the achievements of 2017.